Payment Plan Email Notifications

Payment Plan Email Notifications are emails that are sent individually to your subscribers to let them know that a payment has either been scheduled, has succeeded, or failed. By selecting notices you also select email templates from your template library to customize the information being shared.

Every type of payment plan has three options for notifications:

  1. Pending Notices: When a scheduled payment has not yet processed. If you select notices to be sent, you may choose how many days in advance each notice should be sent.
  2. Failure Notices: When a scheduled payment has been attempted and failed. If you choose to send a notice, it is only sent once and contains whatever email template you select.
  3. Success Notices: When a scheduled payment has succeeded. If you choose to send a notice, it is only sent once and contains whatever email template you select merged with a receipt containing the details of the transaction.

In the general settings found at Presspoint Settings / Commerce / Payment Plans you can set global preferences for all of your recurring and installment payments. Additionally, you can override these global preferences on a plan-by-plan basis choosing different types of notices or, choosing not send notices at all.
